DTS-Anytime's own voucher codes are in the format "####-####-####" are are redeemed as described below.
STEP 1 – Create your account
If you already have a www.dtsanytime.co.uk account you can skip to Step 2, otherwise:
- Visit www.dtsanytime.co.uk
- Click on "Start Now" (or go to https://dtsanytime.co.uk/Learner/register_1.aspx)
- Enter your email address, select the appropriate options and click "Register"
- You will receive an email from Driving Test Success containing an activation link
- Click on the activation link in the email and follow the on-screen instructions
- Set your Password and Login
STEP 2 – Enter your activation code
If you've just created your DTS-Anytime account and logged in for the first time:
- Click on the "Redeem Voucher" button (or go to http://www.dtsanytime.co.uk/Learner/redeemVoucher.aspx).
- Enter your unique activation code (you’ll find this inside the case or in the email sent to you when you purchased online), and click on the "OK" button.
Note: The Activation Code (AKA Serial Number/Licence Key) is formatted as three groups of four characters separated from each other by "-" characters, e.g. "1234-ABCD-7890". There are NO SPACE characters, all letters are in UPPERCASE and you should include the "-" characters.
If you're a long term user of DTS-Anytime or have otherwise already registered, activated, logged out and logged back into your account then add a new subscription as follows:
- Login at www.dtsanytime.co.uk using your existing account and password
- Click on the "Settings" heading in the left column and then the "Subscriptions" entry
- Click on the "Redeem voucher" button
- Enter your unique activation code (you’ll find this inside the case or in the email send to you when you purchased online), and click on the "OK" button
STEP 3 – Select your subscription
The next step is the important bit:
- Make sure you select the correct subscription to match the test you’ll be taking, then click on the "Next" button
- Double check your details and click on "Confirm"
- Click on the "Learn Now" button to get started!
Congratulations! You now have unlimited access to the UK’s most complete online training solution for the duration of your subscription.
If you still have questions, please contact us.
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